King Creole (alternate)

Alter Preis $19,99
Preis zzgl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

Kundenbewertungen zu King Creole (alternate)

Anzahl der Bewertungen: 1
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5
von am 04.08.2014
Excellent reproduction of Elvis' initial take on this classic song. I perform as a '70s-era 'Elvis' but I love singing the '50s and '60s songs, too, for fun and on bookings for informal (less a concert setting) corporate events or private parties and the like where people want the eras mixed up, no matter that I'm wearing a jumpsuit. So stuff like this is gold to me...nice one! Even if I never use it in public, I'm enjoying this track a lot.

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Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Elvis Presley - Backing Tracks - Karaoke - Playbacks